Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fall in Iowa City

The weather turns quickly in Iowa City. Recently, the temperature turns down, and I realize it is turns to winter. The trees in Iowa City start to trun yellow and red, that's really beautiful. Sometimes you can see one tree truns another color and other trees are still green. That will makes me feel I was in a dream, a beautiful dream. And at that moment, there is just me in the world, nobody else. I like that feeling.

But the wind in Iowa City is so strong. I hate the wind. It will make my hair mess and my eyes uncomfortable. Also, it is very cold when the wind is blowing. Like today, I can't open my eyes when I was walking. My hair was flying in the sky then come in front of my face, I can't see anything. If the wind is not so strong in Iowa City. I like the weather here.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Important Thing Learn From My Mom

Child can learn a lot of things from their parents. Parents are the most important people in their life, also parents are the most important teachers in people's whole life. I have learned many things from my mother. I thought my mother was the most greatful people in the world. I love her so much. She teaches me a lot of things. When I was young, she teaches me english, she teaches me how to swim, how to play badmiton,how to communicate with people and so many things. The most important thing what I learn from my mom is to be brave.

When you see the word 'brave', maybe you will think you're brave enough. Acutally, everyone is not brave enough. Brave is not only saving world or people like a hero, but also to be yourself. Be brave is not a easy thing. When your friends talk to you about thier opinion, maybe you are afraid to tell them your opinion. When teacher ask questions in the class, maybe you know the answer but you are afraid to raise your hand. In many normal situation, people were afraid to show themselves. My mom is an idol to me. She also looks confident, she also brave to say and to do what she want. And she also successful.

If you don't show your mind to people, how can they know you, how can they understand you, how can you be succesful? This is a very important class that my mom teaches me.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Live in Iowa City

Since I came to Iowa City, everything in my life was changed. I have to speak English everyday, I have to face many thing everyday, I was stress everyday. This is a new life to me, everything to me is new! I feel really uncomfortable at first. I was black hair, different dress style, different language and different culture. Everything to me was just different.

I think in this new place, make some friends is the best way to fit in. So I decided to meet some friends. But I was really nervous about that. Because you don't know how is the person like, is she friendly or difficult to talk. I told myself to be relax, don't nervous. But it doesn't work, I still feel nervous. Then I told myself if you want to fit in here, you have to make friends. Friends is very important in a person's life. So I go. When I stand in front of the door, I start to nervous again. I'm afraid if she can't understand me. Just at that time, she open the door. Then we start to talk. That's really nice. She is very friendly and she can understand me very well. I was so happy about that. She is the first friend I make in America.

After this event, I feel confidence. Even though sometimes I can't understand what they were talking about, and they can't understand me. But I was trying so hard. And everything in my life seem very nice now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I like all kinds of movies. My favorite actor is Nicolas Cage and Anny Hathaway. They are very good actor.I watched 'Becoming Jane' recently, it was act by Anny Hathaway. This story talked about the famous English writer Jane Austin's life. It's a romantic movie. Even the story is not all true, but it makes me cry. Actually, I don't like to watch the romantic movie. Because I hate to see the sad ending. I can be effect by the movie for a long time. If the movie was a bad ending, the two people who loved each other didn't get together. I will feel really sad, and cry. This feeling will keep me unhappy at least 2 days. when I watched a movie, I feel myself was the person in the movie. Even 'Becoming Jane' makes me cry, but this is a really good movie. You can learn a lot of traditional and beautiful sentence in this movie. Every thing in this movie is just perfect. I recommend everyone to watch this movie.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

One day in Chicago

I went to Chicago yesterday! How can I describe Chicago? Chicago is a big city in America. But it was different from my thought. I thought Chicago will look like New York! When I went there, it was really different from New York. But there was one thing that looks the same: there are a lot of tall buildings.

Macy, Carol and I got out of the bus at Navy Pier. And we walked around the Navy Pier. I could see
Lake Michigan and some boats. The wind was quite strong, my hair was flying. And I couldn't see the road!!! So we decided to go into the Navy Pier! There was an exhibit on the first floor. The exhibit showed a lot of beautiful glass. Then we went to eat the famous hot dog in Chicago. It tasted delicious. After we ate our lunch, we asked someone how to go to Michigan Avenue from Nave Pier. She told us there was a free bus across the road. We were so happy to hear free.

When we got Michigan Avenue, we started to go inside every shop and get out with nothing. We were poor, so we decided to window shop. We walked the whole day and got back to the Art Institute for dinner. First, we wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant, but the restaurant wasn't open until 5:30. We didn't have enough time, so we went to another restaurant to eat Thai food. It was delicious and not expensive.

It was a short day for Chicago. There still are a lot of places I want to go. But the time was not enough. I still want to go to the Field Museum to see the Mummies, the Art Institute to see the paintings and Chinatown to eat food and sing. Maybe I will go to Chicago on Thanksgiving Day. Whatever, yesterday was a nice day.