Monday, October 15, 2007

Live in Iowa City

Since I came to Iowa City, everything in my life was changed. I have to speak English everyday, I have to face many thing everyday, I was stress everyday. This is a new life to me, everything to me is new! I feel really uncomfortable at first. I was black hair, different dress style, different language and different culture. Everything to me was just different.

I think in this new place, make some friends is the best way to fit in. So I decided to meet some friends. But I was really nervous about that. Because you don't know how is the person like, is she friendly or difficult to talk. I told myself to be relax, don't nervous. But it doesn't work, I still feel nervous. Then I told myself if you want to fit in here, you have to make friends. Friends is very important in a person's life. So I go. When I stand in front of the door, I start to nervous again. I'm afraid if she can't understand me. Just at that time, she open the door. Then we start to talk. That's really nice. She is very friendly and she can understand me very well. I was so happy about that. She is the first friend I make in America.

After this event, I feel confidence. Even though sometimes I can't understand what they were talking about, and they can't understand me. But I was trying so hard. And everything in my life seem very nice now.


Maitha said...

Yes you are right , friends are really helpful to get fit in a new culture!

kelly said...

Diana, don't be afraid of miss..Your English is good to talk with native speaker. All of us are looking forward to speaking English as a native speaker.. Let's do our best in every moment~!
Surely you'll fit in here~! ^^

marc said...

indeed, old friends are also helpful for you, like me, I can also speak english with you, we can get improvment together!

Rebecca K said...

Good advice, Diana. It can be hard to gather your courage and talk to someone new, but it is good that you did and you found a new friend!