Wednesday, October 3, 2007

One day in Chicago

I went to Chicago yesterday! How can I describe Chicago? Chicago is a big city in America. But it was different from my thought. I thought Chicago will look like New York! When I went there, it was really different from New York. But there was one thing that looks the same: there are a lot of tall buildings.

Macy, Carol and I got out of the bus at Navy Pier. And we walked around the Navy Pier. I could see
Lake Michigan and some boats. The wind was quite strong, my hair was flying. And I couldn't see the road!!! So we decided to go into the Navy Pier! There was an exhibit on the first floor. The exhibit showed a lot of beautiful glass. Then we went to eat the famous hot dog in Chicago. It tasted delicious. After we ate our lunch, we asked someone how to go to Michigan Avenue from Nave Pier. She told us there was a free bus across the road. We were so happy to hear free.

When we got Michigan Avenue, we started to go inside every shop and get out with nothing. We were poor, so we decided to window shop. We walked the whole day and got back to the Art Institute for dinner. First, we wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant, but the restaurant wasn't open until 5:30. We didn't have enough time, so we went to another restaurant to eat Thai food. It was delicious and not expensive.

It was a short day for Chicago. There still are a lot of places I want to go. But the time was not enough. I still want to go to the Field Museum to see the Mummies, the Art Institute to see the paintings and Chinatown to eat food and sing. Maybe I will go to Chicago on Thanksgiving Day. Whatever, yesterday was a nice day.


marc said...

it's sounds great, like the bag you bought from chicago!

ChaZ said...

it's sounds perfect, like the small balls on you bag you bought from chicago!

kelly said...

I also want to visit Chicago again.
I hope that you will do everything you want in Chicago on Thanks giving day. Maybe during Thanks giving day, weather will be very very cold,so you will wear warm outer.

eunyoung's blog said...

I heard that Navy pier is so nice. you are lucky girl you took a free bus.

Maitha said...

You had a fantastic day in Chicago!!

It is a wonderful sightseeing at Navy Pier!!

Rebecca K said...

Shopping in Chicago is fun! You will have to go back some time to see more of Chicago!